Monday, January 12, 2009

Post 1 - The Land of Expectations

1. A. What does it mean to expect something?
    B. What are positive and negative aspects to having expectations?

2. A. What does it mean to expect something?
    B. Briefly describe a time you expected something. How did this affect your experience?

3. A. Why was the Land of Expectations so beautiful? Be specific. 
    B. How would the Land of Expectations be different if it was called the Land of Negative 


  1. I... am answering to #3. Okay.... the Land of Expectations was beutiful because Milo expected the land to be beutiful because the map was colorful and well designed. So when Milo drove into Expectations, sure enough, the land was colorful and unique, just like the map that came Milo's purple tollbooth.
    3-B. If the Land of Expectations was called the Land of NEGATIVE Expectations, the story would be very different. The land would have none of the positive expected qualities, but only negative expectations.

  2. Well said Devon. That is exactly what our class talked about and I think you stated your point in better words than anyone else who was asked that question. Great job.

  3. Devon-Great answer. I like how you used evidence from the book. What if the book started off negatively? Elaborate on this idea. It could take some interesting turns.

    Ben-Great support!

  4. Devon, well said and it is what we were talking about in class. So, if the Land of Expectaions was called the Land of Negitive Expectaions, would nightmares come true? Would the oppiste of what you expect happen? Awsome job.

  5. The book pretty much DOES start off negatively because the story starts out with Milo's dull lifestyle. The beginning was also indused by the Doldrums. If Milo thought when he made the tollbooth everything was going to be ordinary, everything would be ordinary in the Land of Expectations and he would not have gone on the adventure that is in the book now.

  6. Dani-I LOVE your question about nightmares!!! I guess that would come down to if you expected your nightmares to come true. Hmmm....or not. What if you expected to never wake up from your nightmares? That would be very bad. What if everyone had different expectations? Does that mean that depending on who you are, you can be in the Land of Expectations at the same time as someone else, but seeing it different ways?

    :) Miss Bailin

  7. Devon-Beautiful connection. I love how your thinking progresses with each entry. Does Milo strike you as an "ordinary" child? What does "ordinary" mean to you?

  8. I am answering 3

    It was SO pretty because he expected it to be it! If he expected something else it would have look much different. If it was named the land on NEGATIVE expectations it would have been bad expectations! E.G. I had a bad dream sorta like this and when I got there is was terrible and horrifying! If I thought negative AND positive about the place it would have only been negative expectations and i would of thought about my dream and made it a reality!

  9. Question #3

    The reason the Land of Expectaions was so beautiful was because Milo thought the map was very beautiful and amazing. So the Land of Expectaions was beautiful and amazing just as Milo excected it to be like. I wonder if someone could expect it to be beatiful just like the map and dislike it because they liked dark colors? If the land was called the Land of Negative Expectaions, it would be a nightmare. I as soon as you thought and then expected a negative thought, it would come true and depending on what it was you could be in a lot of trouble. I wonder, could you always expect the things you wanted and expected them to come true and you were thinking negatively about them, could you have the world you wanted? Would the Land of Negative Expectaions take your good expectaions and make the opposite of them come true?

  10. At the start of the book, I would NOT have thought of Milo as an ordinary child because whenever he was here he wanted to be there, and whenever he was there, he longed to be here. Also, he rushed to the places he never wanted to be at.
    Ozzy Osmonkey

  11. My answer to #1B is:
    Negative aspect: 1. Your thought(s) could be crushed. 2.You become grouchy and unhappy. 3.You may never want to do something again because you thought it would something different than what it really was and it made it seem boring because the expectation you had was better. E.G. I asked for a rootbeer for a drink and I got all pumped up for it and it had a lid on it and I could not see threw it. So I took a sip and spit it out. It tasted disgusting because I wasn't expecting for sprite. But if I knew that it was sprite than it would not have tasted bad. I was just expecting for a different taste.
    Posititive Aspect: 1. You have something happy to dream about. 2. Everything is fine becuase you are expexting happy things. 3. You don't get freaked out about things when things change because you are thinking positive
    By Emily

  12. What Emily said wouldn't be true because if you were waiting for a root beer, you would have expected a root beer because it's the Land of... well, Expectations.
    Ozzy Osmonkey

  13. 3a: The reason the Land of Expectations was beautiful was that Milo expected it to look like that.He expected colorful sunny skies, bright flowers, and tall shady trees. I would expect this too. Especially if I knew that what I'd expect would come true! (Mine would have friendly and playful monkeys)


  14. 3b: If the Land of Expectations was the Land of Negitive Expectations, the place would look different and things would happen differently.

    E.g. (looks)
    dark gray clouds
    no beautiful blue skies
    dead flowers and plants
    E.g. (Happenings)
    wouldn't win games
    oppisite of everything you would expect


  15. I like Haley's last sentence in 3a.

  16. I don't agree with Haley for 3b because the opisite of your expectations wouldn't happen, but your horrible expectations would happen.

  17. To expecct something is too asome it would happen. the only down side is you might expect a nightmere.

  18. very good clear ideas Devon i like your thoughts . for example the one about the diferent name then it probualy would have look ugly dull mean and horrible because it looks how he expects it to

    I think that the land expectations looks beutiful and it will have ponys and rainbows and green grass and clear blue crystal sky drifting over you!


  19. That is because thats how i want it to lok and thats how im expecting to see it because the land of expectations is exactly how you expect it

  20. I believe your same logic Haley.
