Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Post 9 - Smile

1. Is a smile really a smile if no one can see it?
Please formulate a well written response that describes your personal opinion. Make sure your questions and comments to other students are RESPECTFUL and text driven, not personal. Happy blogging. Smiles, :) Miss Bailin


  1. Yes a smile really is a smile even if no one can see it. Just like Jackson said if everones eyes were closed and the one person that was smiling one person could feel that the lips were curled. Also you could make a guess by the way the person is acting. For example if you were mad you would probably be frowning or if you were confused you probably have a straight face. You dont have to see something to believe it.

  2. A smile is a smile, no matter if any one can see it or not. I agree with Jackson about if everyone was blind folded and they felt your face well you were smiling, they could most likely tell that you were smiling. A smile can be drawn on a peice of paper. It is smiling even if no one looks at it, because it shows some one smiling. If you wanted to show a bind and deaf person that you were smiling, you would make an indent that would feel like a smiling face(on a speacial board or use this speacail language they use to talk) if you rubbed your hand across it. I also agree with Cade, you don't have to see somthing to believe it.

  3. Danielle I like your comment and well agree with you :)

  4. I agree with all of you. A smile is a smile even if you can't see it. That is like asking a blind man if the Earth is the Earth even if he can't see it. Besides, a smile is described in books all the time and that is still a smile. Although if someone you can't trust is describing it to you, you would not be able to tell. This question reminds me of the old "brain-buster" that was "if a tree falls down in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" I say it does because when it says "no one is there to hear it" that implies that it does make a sound. Also a smile has a definition that does not involve someone being forced to see it. So a smile is a smile even if you can't see it.

  5. I like your comment Daniell. Very nice wording and good thinking. :) :)

  6. I believe that a smile is a smile even if no on is there to see it. Why? Let's say, you just set a trap for some one in your family and you ran into your room to wait for the trap to take action. You smile an evil smile. But no ones there to see it. You keep smiling and still no ones there to see it. You are still smiling, aren't you? It still happpened. You could feel it on your face if you touched your mouth.(Idea was from Jackson.) You can't prove that it did not happen. It is somewhat like history and the past. You can't not prove (the following is made up)that George Wasthington smiled when he got married, and you also can't prove that he did. But if he did smile and nobody was there to see it, but he still smiled.

  7. Cade and Dani,
    Cade you said that, "You don't have to see something to believe it," and Dani you agree with him. There is a quote, "Seeing is believing," do you guys think that is true, or do you believe something even though you can't see it?

  8. Ben,
    Does it have to be a blind man or can it be a blind women or is it just a person who is blind?

  9. I think a smile is a smile, even if no one can see it. Picture this: You were smiling, and someone saw your smile. Then the person turned away. Now they can't see your smile, but they now that you are smiling. If you smile, you can feel yourself smile. I agree with you Cade, you can still believe they are smiling. I also agree with Jackson, they could feel you smiling. Another example: You live an old house all alone. You get a package in the mail, and the mail man alredy left. You open it up and there are gifts inside of it. You are overjoyed, and you smile. Nobody can see it, but you are still smiling.


  10. I agree with everyone that a smile IS a smile even if nobody is there to see it. I say this because if you're smiling and nobody is there to see it, YOU are actually there to see the smile (or feel it). You could also smile without even smiling. E.g. You walk into the store and buy a lottery ticket. You leave to your empty house. You scratch the card and realize that you won $100. You are extremely happy, but a smile isn't appearing on your mouth, but you're actually smiling in the inside. I hope this helps out in the debate!
    Ozzy Osmonkey

  11. Devon- I liked how you used an example of some one smiling on the inside.

  12. Cade-Well said sir and I liked how your built on what someone else said in a meaningful way. "You don't have to see something to believe it," what a statement Cade! Smiles, :)Miss Bailin

  13. Dani-Great connections with your previous classmates comments. I can tell that you are reading others' ideas and formulating your own thoughts. Excellent job! Smiles, :)Miss Bailin

  14. Ben-I like how you are posing a new thought about someone you don't trust describing a smile to you. Interesting. Nice job using text support with a definition. Smiles, :)Miss Bailin

  15. I love how supportive you are all being to your classmates.

  16. Emily-I love your "evil smile" thought. That adds another dimension to the an evil smile really a smile? Does it changing the original meaning of what a smile is? How does using language to manifest new descriptions of things change the world (or a story, person, etc. on a smaller scale)? Excellent word choice!!!

  17. Emily-Oooohhhhh.....interesting quote. I like how you are keeping your debates textual and trying to provoke thoughts in others.

    Ben & Cade-Try to give her an actual debatable response.

    For the record, I think her question matters and I appreciate how it has made me think.

  18. Yes it is a smile Miss.Bailin. Why wouldn't it not be a smile. It still looks and feels like a smile. The only difference is that the smile is made because they were being evil.
    P.S I like llamas!!!

  19. I have to agree with Emily on that one.
    Ozzy Osmonkey

  20. Dear Llama Liking Little Lady (a.k.a. Emily),

    I was just curious what you thought about that. So you think that the villain is getting the same pleasure out of doing evil things as a good person does from going good deeds?

    Smiles, (non-evil ones) :)
    Miss Bailin

  21. I don't know. Isn't it up to the person who is smiling to decide that.

  22. Yes a smile is a smile if no one sees it because you know that your smiling and if you know that you are is the only thing that matters.
    ~Randy Engstler
