Monday, January 12, 2009

Post 3 - Where do you think you would live?

Look at the map from The Phantom Tollbooth

1. Select a place where you would like to live. List at least 6 reasons why you would want to live there (knowing only the location's name and geographically where it is). 

2. Which location is the least desirable to live? List at least 6 reasons why you would NOT want to reside in this location (knowing only the location's name and geographically where it is). 


  1. If I could live anywhere in the world I would choose Santa Cruz California. This wonderful town is located on the northern outskirts of Monterey Bay and is a great vacation point. The weather is fantastic because you can play outside any time of year without dieing of heat or freezing to death. I can also learn how to surf better because it is considered "Surf City USA". It also has an exciting theme park called the Boardwalk with many great rides. Although you can never forget Santa Cruz's outstanding beaches. One of the main reasons I would want to live there is because many of relatives on my mom's side live there and we could see them more often. Santa Cruz also has allot of tasty restaurants that are easy to get to(since the town is so small). I think everyone should consider Santa Cruz as a vacation spot.

    Ben Ashby

  2. Before I begin, I would just have to say that the question means that if you could go anywhere in the BOOK, not in the world (no offence Ben). If I could go anywhere in the Phantom Tollbooth, I would stay at the land of Expectations. I would live there because the land is amazing and beutiful, just like the description of the map. I would also like to live there because I would always know what whether it will be and what traffic will be like. Thirdly, it would be nice because if I wanted something, I would just to have to expect to get it.The fourth reason I would live there is because if I have a wonderful dream, when I wake up, it would come true because you expected the dream keep going. Another reason why I would live in Expectations is because you could easily answer all of the Whether Mans questions, because you would know what EXACTLY what the answer is. And my final reason for living in the Land of Expectations is because Expectations is the land closest to the purple tollbooth.
    Devon Rey Gomez

  3. If I could live any where on the map in The Phantom Tollbooth I would live in Expectations. I would go to Expectations for several reasons. One thing i would want to go to Expectations for is that if I expected something to be there it would be there. For example if you wanted to see flowers you whould see flowers. Even though it would be annoying to have to listen to the Whether Man he would still give you company. Plus you might be able to expected him not to be there and he wouldn,t be there. Another thing that would be cool about Expectations would be that you whould always have to keep thingiing or else you would go to the dulldrums and thinking is fun! The last reason I would live in Exectations is that if you got lost in Expectations you could expect to find your way.
    Randy Engstler

  4. Ben the question said in the book not in the would but i liked your writing

  5. Devon i agree with you that Expectations would be the best place to live in. I like how u said that it is the clostest to the tollbooth.

  6. I 100% agree with you Devon. How easy would life be if you could just expect to win the lottery and then win. I would definately also live in "The Land of Expectations".

  7. I agree with all of you guys too. In the "Land of Expectations", I would expect so many things. These things aren't just what things will look like, but the outcome of several things would be awesome. One of thing I would expext is A+'s in all classes. Also, when I have to test by blood glucose (blood sugar), I would expect a perfect blood glucose. Another thing I would expect is the Cardinals winning the Super Bowl. I agree with you Ben, winning the lottery would be so AWESOME! If I lived in "the Land of Expectations" I could expect to win all of my basketball and baseball games (which I would win), I could hit a grand slam, dunk the basketball, win every game ever invented, make inventions, and do tons of other things. One other faboulous thing that you could expect and get is a huge mansion and lots of money.

    Devon: What if you had a horible dream? That would stink.

    Haley Maurice

  8. I would live in the area where it is says more land because since that area doesn't have a name and it is cut off nobody knows what could be there. It would be an everyday adeventure. I could run into crazy mutant things on a morning stroll or i could be attacked by trees that move and like to eat chicken tasted people. Or there could wild weather that could blow my shelter (who knows what type of thing I would live in)( it may not be a house) away. It would be an different place to live.
    -Emily Woodard

  9. I would want to live in the castle up in the sky because I want to be floating high up where nobody or anything could get me. Plus I want feel a cloud!!! Where would Miss Bailin want to live?

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  12. Devon, would you still want to live in the Land of Expectaions if the map was not beautiful? Would you still expect it to be beautiful or not?

  13. Dear Everyone who wants to live in the Land of Epectations,
    Wouldn't Christmas be ruined if you lived there? You would pretty much know what was going to happen next. Where's the excitment? Wouldn't you get tired of knowing what your life was going to be like? Isn't life suppose to be like you don't know what's happening next and if you changed that then what would be life? Life is suppose to be exciting, right?

  14. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EMILY'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I would live in the sea of knowledge. I would live there because then I could learn a new thing every day. I think then i would become very smart. This would prove worthy in the search for Rhyme and Reason. Oh, and by the way i would live in a yaht if possible. If that is not possible i will go out to the sea of knowledge and think of something.

  16. Emily, would you go insane from being alone and wild after a while???

  17. Devon, What if you were expecting a bad dream to happen?? Then wouldn't Mr.Marshmallow come and try to get revenge for eating his wife?

  18. Hi!!!! my name is H. I am a very giving letter in the alpHbet. People think of me as Humble. OMG, one time tHis kid put me down for His favorite letter because i was the seventH letter in the alpHabet. I mean isn't tHat soooo cute. My friends are S T A H and J. they are so nice to me. My favorite animal is tHe begal. He Howls all for me. How giving of Him.

  19. Ben-Your first piece is very persuasive. As we read the book, how can you compare/contrast Santa Cruz with the text? :)

  20. Devon-I like your points for why you would live in The Land of Expectations. If you expected to always "get" things, would you enjoy them less because you didn't work for it? Can you expect what the feeling of earning something is and pride or do you have to know what it feels like first and then expect it later? My brain is working! Thanks! :)

  21. Haley-I like how you are expanding Devon's thinking? Nice job! :)

  22. Emily-This is a very abstract answer with many possibilities. "More Land." I like the way it sounds. If you developed that land, then you could be a millionaire. I like the idea of not living in a "house." You may need to create an illustration of your ideal, original dwelling. :) THAT WOULD BE A FUN BRAINSTORM!

  23. "Cruse"-The Castle in the Sky sounds very relaxed. I like the pictures it gives me in my brain. Could I fly if I lived there?

    Thanks for asking. :)
    1)I would NOT live in the Sea of Knowledge because I want to achieve wisdom (I have no clue how to do it) and I am more of a lake person.
    2) The Doldrums is no place for me because being a Lethargian sounds too dull. Plus, I like the colorful aspects of life (and color in general).
    3) I don't want to live Where the Roads Ends Here because I'm not sure if I believe in things every really ending. Even when I go to bed, something is still going on.
    4)If I lived in Point of View, I would be afraid that I wouldn't be able to see others' points of view and that is one way I learn.
    5) The Municipalities Compromising the Kingdom of Wisdom would be an interesting place, but is it even possible to compromise wisdom? Is wisdom different than truth? Is it just a place of troublemakers?

    6) I like the idea of living in To Other Lands because that means I am an unknown.
    7) I would most likely be the most content in th Old City of Wisdom. I find it interesting that the Old City of WIsdom is so small incomparison to other places, such as The Mountains of Ignorance and the Sea of Knowledge. You just made me think of my next question. Thanks "Cruse!"

  24. Emily&Devon-Nice ah-ha moments you two! I'm enjoying your entries and respectful commentary. :) Keep thinking!

  25. Sinai-Great question for Emily. What kinds of people do you think would live where Emily wants to live?

    I like how you are in a quest for knowledge. Keep it up!

  26. I would live in the land beyond that says to other places so I could make a map of other lands I might become a famous man for exploring new lands. now I relize that "other places" doesnt mean unexplored places but seeing how its nere "more land" I think that there would be unexplored lands in that region.

  27. If I were to live anywhere in the book, I would live in Numbers Mine. I love doing math problems. Once we read about Dictionopolis, I am supposing that numbers are grown in numbers mine just like the words were grown in orchards. If this turns out to be true, I would always have numbers to do problems and solutions. I think it would be a great place to live. I would always have a job like sorting out the numbers. I would always have food (if it is like the letters and people eat them). I think it would be an awsome place to live. If I had to make a living in one of the places on the map, I would defintly choose Numbers Mine (plus I think I would enjoy it).

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  28. Sinai,
    How could I know that I was going to be alone and most people who go insane (loco, crazy, mad, ect.) don't think they are insane. So I wouldn't be insane but I would be insane.
    - Emily

  29. Beau-Interesting point about Other Places. That makes sense. I like where your thoughts are going and how you are re-thinking things. Good work!

  30. Dani-I like how you are making connections with one chapter to the next. Great inferencing skills. That make sense that you could make a great living a the Numbers Mine. Would money have a different value there or would it have no value without the Numbers Mine. I know you can still spell the words out in word form, but Dictionopolis makes no mention of that. Hmmm.....

  31. If i got to choose any where in the book to live I would live in the land of expectations. I would live here because if I wanted something I could just expect it to be there. Also it would bad to live here because if you were having a bad day you would expect something very bad to happen for example (this ones for Devon) you would expect evil monkeys to take over the world. I guess if you lived in the land of expectations you would just have to learn how to not expect bad things to happen.

    Trent Prynn

  32. I didn't realize I was signed into my sister account sorry!!!!

    Trent Prynn

  33. I agree with Devon the land of expectaitons is the best!

  34. Emily what type of people would live in more land and would they actually be people? how would you get there? And would you get to meat any normal interesting people there?

  35. uhh... Sinai, you put your H paragraph in the wrong catagory.
    The Monkey

  36. Never mind Miss Bailin I would not want to live in the castle in the sky because there is demons there, scary!!!!!!!! That's where Rhyme and Reason are if not dead!!

  37. Devon what about Halloween?? What would that be like??

  38. Miss Bailin do you think life ever really ends?

  39. Ya sid if I was you I would delete that H paragraph and put it the right one lol.

  40. The place where I would least like to live is the Doldrums. I would probably go crazy without thinking of good ideas. I would get so mad and totally loose my cool if I had to live with the those tiny little freaks! I don't like having a specific schedual, plus I don't like watching black and white movies just because of the color and the Doldrums are black and white. I would also hate anything that's dull or boring. Last but not least, I would be afraid I would turn into all of these things.

  41. Beau, I love your idea for a place where I would most likely live. Do you mind if I come to live there? Although if I chose anywhere on the map it would be the land of expectations like many of you said.

  42. Miss Bailin, I remember you saying something about that your a lake person at the start of the year. Although I am a ocean person.

  43. Emily, good job with all of your comments. You are thinking outside the box on every topic and I always read your posts.

  44. I'm more of a river type of guy.
    Ozzy Osmonkey

  45. I would not want to live in the foothills of confusion. Six reasons I would not want to live there are...
    1) I don't want to always be confused.
    2) I don't want to be stomped on.
    3) I would never make a good choice, because I would not be able to think straight.
    4) The hills might me confused and think I was an enemy.
    5) Foothills sounds like your at the bottom of the mountain and there might be rock slides. It does not sound good, rock slide of confusion.
    6) I would feel like I am the lowest class and not important. Because feet are the lowest part of our body.
    That is why I don't want to live in the foothills of confusion.

  46. I DO NOT want to ever, EVER go to the Moutains of Ingnorance one reason I wouldn't go there is because I don't want to go somewhere I'm always Ingnored. Another reason I never want to go there is because all the demons fled to what is know kown as The Moutains of Ingnorance.
    Ozzy Osmonkey

  47. Ozzy-I don't want to go there either. When I think back about my life though, I am sure I have ended up there just from being lazy and not taking the time to do what I really should have. I think I have learned a great lesson from your post. Thank you.

    Ben-I am a lake person.

    Dani-What happens once you leave confusion?

    Smiles, :)
    Miss Bailin

  48. Trent-As my own personal beliefs, and I am only responding to this because you asked, is that I am not sure yet what I believe. That is as truthful as I can be. I just don't know (and you know how much I despise when I don't know something). :)

  49. I would like to live in the land of expectations because it would be totally awesome because i would live and the most amazing place ever because i could change what ever i want because its what i expect it to be and when i hear land of expectations i picture me in this giant 4 story mansion ith all most every thing green blue and purple and realy fuzzy it would be so cool
